Most things worth having cost our homes, or cars and trucks. But what about our salvation? Does it cost something? What does the Bible say?
Most things worth having cost our homes, or cars and trucks. But what about our salvation? Does it cost something? What does the Bible say?
Things that are in the New Testament now will there at the Judgment, and, whether we do them or not while we're alive, we shall be judged by them we we stand before the Lord on that last great day. Are we ready? How can we know? What does the Bible say?
If Ephesians 4:1-6 teaches us anything, it’s that the people of God are to stand together in unity. And yet, there is religious division all over the world today...which raises an important question: “Why is it necessary to have so many denominational bodies in the world?" Why is it necessary to have so many divisions, religiously speaking? Is it right or wrong? What does the Bible say?
Today’s lesson is from the teachings of Jesus in the 15th chapter of Luke, where we find three parables regarding the tragedy of carelessness, the tragedy of uselessness, the tragedy of willfulness, and the tragedy of bitterness. And they’re all related to today’s episode, as we study, “The Tragedy of Being Lost.”