Now displaying: April, 2017
Apr 24, 2017
The Christian religion is a religion of hope...and we find references to this hope throughout the New Testament. And having this hope inside of us is something that we need, if we're going to live the Christian life. But what IS it? What is the hope that Christians have (and that those outside of Christ do not)? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Apr 17, 2017
In the final part of the series, "Characteristics of God," we discuss the fact that God is Compassionate (God IS love) and that He is Definite. Does God love all people and is He truly unchanging? What does the Bible say? Hosts: Alan Caudle and Guyton Montgomery
Apr 10, 2017
Continuing in our study and the characteristics of God, Part 3 deals with the fact that God is Omnipresent (he is present in all places) and Omnipotent (there is nothing with God that is not possible). Can God be in more than one place at a time...and is there anything too difficult for God to do? What does the Bible say? Hosts: Alan Caudle and Guyton Montgomery
Apr 3, 2017
Download In this second lesson in a study of the characteristics of God, we substantiate the infinity of God and the finiteness of man. God is eternal (Deut. 33:27), while man has a beginning and an end. God has always been and always will be...and He is also omniscient, meaning that He has complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, and an understanding of all things. How do we know this? What does the Bible say? Hosts: Alan Caudle and Guyton Montgomery