Now displaying: December, 2016
Dec 26, 2016
Download One of Jesus' most prominent forms of teaching involved parables...simple, true-to-life stories, designed to present great spiritual lessons. All of them, in one way or another, concerned salvation...and none of the parables could be connected any closer t o the Lord's invitation for us to be saved, than the parable of the Great Supper, found in Luke 14:15-24. Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Joel Wheeler
Dec 19, 2016
The holiday time is upon us and, for some people, social drinking joins the list of things that come along with the season. But why do people drink at any time and pretend that God thinks it is OK? Why would He be pleased with such behavior after telling us throughout His Word to stay away from strong drink? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Ken Burleson
Dec 12, 2016
At the beginning of what is known as the Sermon of the Mount, Jesus taught the multitudes, "Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." What did He mean by that? What does it mean to be poor in spirit...and why is it so important for you and me to understand and apply it to our lives? Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Jared Knoll
Dec 5, 2016
There was a time in David's life when he felt like no one cared for his soul (Psalm 142). That is such a sad thought...that no cares for us. But, even in our darkest hours, we need not feel that way, because, even if we think that our friends and family have turned against us, we can always be assured that God cares. And He, along with Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the angels in heaven, and the Christians on earth, indeed cares for our soul. David knew that God cared...and so should we. Host: Alan Caudle