Dec 25, 2017
Most things with any value cost our homes and cars. But what about our salvation? Does it cost something? There's a lot of meaning behind that question. What does it cost to be a Christian? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Dec 18, 2017
In the Old Testament, we have the account of King Saul, and how he was told that it would have been better had he obeyed God. The same thing applies to us today. It would be better for people to obey God and not try to substitute other things for what He has told us to do...especially when it comes to our salvation. What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Dec 11, 2017
In the 15th chapter of Luke, we find three parables regarding the tragedy of carelessness, the tragedy of uselessness, the tragedy of willfulness, and the tragedy of bitterness. These parables about the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son, are just as relevant to us today as they were when they were spoken by the Lord. Host: Alan Caudle
Dec 4, 2017
Each of us has a soul, or inward man, which is to grow and develop into spiritual maturity...into manhood and womanhood. What size is your “inward man?” Has it grown in the way God’s wants it to? How can you tell? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Nov 27, 2017
Download Of the many important questions which confront us, which is the most important? Wouldn’t it be, “What must I do to be saved?” What a tremendous question. Have you asked it or been concerned about it? Today’s episode will give God’s answer to: “The Most Important Question Ever Asked.” Host: Alan Caudle
Nov 20, 2017
Occasionally, someone wants to be "re-baptized"? Is this scriptural? Are there legitimate reasons...and, if so, for who and why? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Nov 13, 2017
God wants everyone to obey the gospel...and yet most people refuse to do so. Why do people turn their backs on God and His commands, when He promises so much if they will obey Him (and warns of punishment in eternity if they don't)? The majority of people throughout history have disobeyed God and the same is true today. Why is that? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Nov 6, 2017
Most denominations teach that a person can be saved before and without baptism...with many claiming that all you have to do to be saved is to believe in Jesus Christ and accept Him as your personal Savior. Some people don’t even believe that. Is baptism in water essential to salvation? Are we saved before and without baptism? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Oct 30, 2017
Many, if not all, sermons in the Bible are easy to understand. But the simplest sermon ever preached was told by someone who wasn't even a preacher...and it's found in 2 Kings 5:13. How does it apply to you and me today? What does there Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Oct 23, 2017
Download Psalm 32:1 says, “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” It’s one of several psalms written by David after his sin with Bathsheba, the visit from Nathan, and his repentance and forgiveness. How does Psalm 32:1 relate to you and me today? Why does sin need to be covered? How is it covered and what is the result? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Oct 16, 2017
The fact that God is who He is makes it impossible for Him to do some things. God cannot sin...He cannot lie...He cannot change...He cannot save a man against his will...and God cannot answer the question asked in Hebrews 2:1-3. Why is that? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Oct 9, 2017
The Bible clearly states that the Holy Spirit plays an active part in the conversion of a lost person from an unsaved condition to a saved one. But how does He do it? Does the Holy Spirit literally and directly act upon a person's heart, causing him to be saved? Or does He do it indirectly, through the Word of God? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Oct 2, 2017
A lot of people call themselves Christians...but is that really what they are? There are some qualifications that go along with using that name. Could there even be those in the church who aren't Christians? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Sep 25, 2017
Have you repented? Or, maybe a better question would be, have you really repented? Do you know what repentance is and how to do it? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Sep 18, 2017
Everyone has had special days in their lives, but the scriptures mention "that day." And it will the greatest day of all. The apostle Paul prayed that a friend of his would find mercy "in that day." What did he mean by that...and how does "that day" relate to you and me? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Sep 11, 2017
The Corinthian church of the Bible has been called “the problem church.” And it did have many problems and questions. But the apostle Paul loved that church, and he tried to help them solve their problems and answer their questions. What can we learn from this and apply to us today? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Sep 4, 2017
There are many things in this life that you and I might consider important, but there's one thing that is more important than anything in this world -- remembering Jesus. And to do so may affect where we will be throughout eternity. When it comes to keeping the Lord uppermost in our minds, what does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Aug 28, 2017
Having in our possession the pearl of great price means more than all the treasures and pleasures of the world. Everything else is relatively unimportant. The purchase of the pearl of great price can truly be called, “the greatest transaction.” Host: Alan Caudle
Aug 21, 2017
Everything that really matters to us depends upon our being in Christ -- happiness in life, hope in death, and our salvation in eternity. What does it mean to be "in Christ" and how do we get there? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Aug 14, 2017
Some things are impossible under any circumstances...and some things are impossible under certain conditions. How does that last one relate to salvation? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Aug 7, 2017
There are two standards of greatness. The world’s standard includes things like wealth, power, education, and social prominence. But the Lord’s standard is much different. What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Jul 31, 2017
The question of whether we're saved by faith or works has been around a long time. The Roman Catholic Church has been the champion of salvation by works, while Protestant denominationalism continues to preach salvation without works. Actually, the scriptures teach both faith and works. So when it comes to how the two relate to our salvation, what does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Jul 24, 2017
Usually, the last words said by a person are considered important...and if they are from a loved one, very dear. But the Bible records the last words ever spoken by Jesus. Why are they so beautiful and important, and what do they mean to us today? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Jul 17, 2017
Download Many people obey the gospel...but fewer remain faithful. The Israelites were a prime example of the possibility and consequences of being unfaithful to God...and we would do well to understand and apply the lessons learned from their actions. What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Jul 10, 2017
In Acts, chapter 4, we're told that those who saw Peter and John could tell that they had been with Jesus. Can the same thing be said about Christians today? What characteristics should be evident to the rest of the world? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle