When it comes to religion, are we justified in using any means to achieve a goal, provided that we believe the end result will be good? Does the end justify the means? What do the Scriptures teach about obedience to Bible authority and how it relates when it comes to worship and the work of the church? That's the topic of today's episode.
Host: Alan Caudle
How many different types of churches are there in the world? Or maybe I should put it this way -- how many kinds of churches that claim to practice Christianity exist on earth? The correct answer is a difficult one, because some people say that we have over 30-thousand different denominations around the world, while other sources tell us that the actual number is a little under 2-thousand. Regardless of these numbers, people never seem to understand the fact that, according to the Bible, Jesus only built one church...and, for some reason, those in the religious world just can't seem to get their head around that. So, for today's episode, I want us to take a look at, "The Church That Jesus Built."
Host: Alan Caudle
From the beginning, the church of Christ has held out to the world that the Bible is our only guide. The apostle Peter, the man who first preached the gospel on the day of Pentecost, said, "If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God." Alexander Campbell said, "We speak where the Bible speaks, and are silent where the Bible is silent." And so, it is very important that we know how to study the Bible, so that we can understand it in order for it to guide us from earth to heaven. And that's the topic of today's episode -- "The Bible, Our Only Guide."
Host: Alan Caudle
One of my favorite passages in the Bible is Second Timothy 4, 1-8, where, in verse 2, the apostle Paul tells young Timothy to "preach the word; be instant in season out of season: reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all long-suffering and doctrine." A whole sermon could be preached on the entire passageā¦but for today, I want us to focus on Paul's charge to "be instant, in season, out of season." What does that mean exactly? What does the Bible say?
Host: Alan Caudle