Download In the book of Acts, chapter 16, verses 30 and 31, we read, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” Believe and be saved is the plain teaching of that text. What does it mean to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? It means salvation. Other passages in the Bible tell us that it means “eternal life,” “born of God,” “remission of sins,” and “justification.” All of those terms mean the same thing…that we are saved on the condition that be “believe.” But what does a person do when he believes? Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Kyle Lemon
If you were asked, "What is the most difficult command to obey," what would you say? There are certainly some things in God's Word that may be hard to understand without some serious study. But when it comes to God's commands to us in regard to what we are expected to do to please Him, which one is the most difficult...AND the most unpopular? It would be, without a doubt, repentance. God calls for everyone everywhere to repent, and yet it has always been difficult to convince people to actually do it. It was also an unpopular message during New Testament times...and it remains unpopular for many people today. So...what is repentance and why is it difficult for so many people? Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Sidney White
When you look around the world today, you'll find thousands of churches, all teaching different doctrines and believing different things...and they all claim to be worshiping God in a way that is pleasing unto Him. But when we look in the Bible, we find that Jesus only built one church. In Matthew 16:18, He said, "I will build my church." That tells us two things...that He built only one church and that one church is HIS church. A lot of people believe that the denominations to which they belong are just congregations that are part of the church that Jesus built. But denominations differ on what they believe. If we go to the Bible, we find that the congregations that existed in New Testament times all believed the same thing and were part of the only church that existed back then. That is quite different from today's religious world, isn't it? So which church did Jesus build? In other words, what is the church of Christ?
Download Most people who profess to be Christians would say that they want to go to heaven when they die...and to do so, they must be "saved." In other words, they have done what they believe is required by God to have their souls fitted for heaven when they pass from this life. But what did they do in order to be saved? What does the Bible say a person must do in order to become a child of God? A lot of good people have been told that all they have to do is believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and to let Him come into their hearts. But what does the Bible say? What does God tell us that we need to do in order to be saved? After all, if we claim to be His children, then what God says, and not man, should be our authority and guide. Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Jared Knoll