In First Corinthians, chapter sixteen, we have the account of the apostle Paul delivering his final exhortation to the church in Corinth, and, in verse 13, he told them to, "Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong." I call your attention to the phrase, "Stand fast in the faith," because that is something we’re needing more and more of as the years go by...and it’s also the topic of today’s podcast.
Usually, the last words a person says are regarded as important…and if they come from loved ones, very dear. In the Bible, we read of the last words of Joshua, found in Josh. 24:15…the last words of David are found in First Kings 2:1-3…we can also read the last words of the apostle Paul, over in Second Timothy 4:6-8. But today's lesson is about the last words ever spoken by Jesus, and why they are so very, VERY important.
Life is a land of hills and valleys. There are times in our lives when we are walking through the valleys...those places into which all of us go, sooner or later, and which we must come out of, in order to find life to be as bountiful as God has promised that it can be. There are no exceptions to the rule that people must walk through these valleys. And that’s what we're talking about in today’s GOD’S EVERLASTING WORD podcast, with some thoughts that are significant and true concerning “The Valleys of Life.”
There are thousands of Christians scattered throughout the world today. Some of them are filling places of importance in the Lord’s kingdom. Others are just sitting idly by. What makes the difference? What does the Bible say?
The 90th Psalm, written by Moses, is considered to be one of the world’s oldest poems. It dates back several generations from the psalms of David…and evidently was written near the close of the wanderings in the wilderness. But how does it apply to us? That's the topic of today's episode.