Now displaying: May, 2017
May 29, 2017
The command to repent has been called the hardest command to obey...and for some, that could very well be true. Even though repentance has always been God's message, a lot of people either refuse to change their ways...or they have a misunderstanding of what true repentance really is. What IS repentance...and what does God expect? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
May 22, 2017
The expression, "hand of God," is found many times in the Bible. Jesus said, "God is a spirit," in John 4:24...but by a figure called "anthropomorphism" (which means using human attributes to describe deity), we read about God's eyes, ears, and face; His back; His feet; and His hands. "The hand of God" is a figure of speech that refers to His activity and power... and it is seen throughout scriptures in so many marvelous ways. Host: Alan Caudle
May 15, 2017
There are several salvations mentioned in the Bible. But there is one that is greater than all the others...because it is a salvation from sin. What does it mean to be saved from sin? And how do we receive this "great salvation?" What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
May 8, 2017
Most people who go to a church on a regular (or semi-regular) basis would say they are members of a denomination. But are denominational churches necessary? Would Christianity exist without them? Were first-century Christians members of any denomination? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
May 1, 2017
A lot of people call their preacher, "Reverend." Another title they might assign him is, "Pastor." Is there anything wrong with this? And if there is...WHY is it wrong? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle