Now displaying: August, 2017
Aug 28, 2017
Having in our possession the pearl of great price means more than all the treasures and pleasures of the world. Everything else is relatively unimportant. The purchase of the pearl of great price can truly be called, “the greatest transaction.” Host: Alan Caudle
Aug 21, 2017
Everything that really matters to us depends upon our being in Christ -- happiness in life, hope in death, and our salvation in eternity. What does it mean to be "in Christ" and how do we get there? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Aug 14, 2017
Some things are impossible under any circumstances...and some things are impossible under certain conditions. How does that last one relate to salvation? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle
Aug 7, 2017
There are two standards of greatness. The world’s standard includes things like wealth, power, education, and social prominence. But the Lord’s standard is much different. What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle