
God's Everlasting Word

A program that discusses the teachings of God's Word and how they apply to our everyday lives.
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God's Everlasting Word







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Jun 26, 2017
    To read the Bible is important…but to understand what we read is more important. The words "understand" and "understanding" are found more than 300 times in the Bible…and yet there is more misunderstanding of it than on any other subject. In this lesson, we will examine the importance of understanding the scriptures, the possibility of understanding the scriptures, and the necessity of understanding the scriptures. Host:  Alan Caudle    
Jun 19, 2017
    During the early days of the church, as Peter and John were entering the temple at the hour of prayer, they heard a beggar ask them for money. Peter stopped, looked at the man, and told him, "Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have, I give thee." What did Peter have...and how does it apply to us today? What does the Bible say? Host:  Alan Caudle
Jun 12, 2017
  In Luke 17:5, it is said, "And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith." This request by Jesus' apostles may be regarded as a prayer...a short prayer, but a very powerful one. And to ask the Lord to increase our faith should be the prayer of every child of God. Why should we do this? What does the Bible say? Host:  Alan Caudle
Jun 5, 2017
  Some strange things were being said about the Lord's church of the first century. In Thessalonica, it was said that some of its members were "turning the world upside down." In Corinth, it was reported that one of the apostles was "persuading men to worship contrary to the law." And, as we read Acts 28:22, it was even regarded as a "sect spoken everywhere against." The church that Jesus established was criticized and its members persecuted by people who did not understand it and refused to accept it. Today, things aren't much different...and some strange things are still being said about the church of Christ. Host:  Alan Caudle    
May 29, 2017
    The command to repent has been called the hardest command to obey...and for some, that could very well be true. Even though repentance has always been God's message, a lot of people either refuse to change their ways...or they have a misunderstanding of what true repentance really is. What IS repentance...and what does God expect? What does the Bible say? Host:  Alan Caudle
May 22, 2017
  The expression, "hand of God," is found many times in the Bible. Jesus said, "God is a spirit," in John 4:24...but by a figure called "anthropomorphism" (which means using human attributes to describe deity), we read about God's eyes, ears, and face;  His back; His feet; and His hands. "The hand of God" is a figure of speech that refers to His activity and power... and it is seen throughout scriptures in so many marvelous ways. Host:  Alan Caudle
May 15, 2017
  There are several salvations mentioned in the Bible. But there is one that is greater than all the others...because it is a salvation from sin. What does it mean to be saved from sin? And how do we receive this "great salvation?" What does the Bible say? Host:  Alan Caudle
May 8, 2017
  Most people who go to a church on a regular (or semi-regular) basis would say they are members of a denomination. But are denominational churches necessary? Would Christianity exist without them? Were first-century Christians members of any denomination? What does the Bible say? Host:  Alan Caudle
May 1, 2017
  A lot of people call their preacher, "Reverend." Another title they might assign him is, "Pastor." Is there anything wrong with this? And if there is...WHY is it wrong? What does the Bible say? Host:  Alan Caudle
Apr 24, 2017
    The Christian religion is a religion of hope...and we find references to this hope throughout the New Testament. And having this hope inside of us is something that we need, if we're going to live the Christian life. But what IS it? What is the hope that Christians have (and that those outside of Christ do not)? What does the Bible say? Host:  Alan Caudle
Apr 17, 2017
    In the final part of the series, "Characteristics of God," we discuss the fact that God is Compassionate (God IS love) and that He is Definite. Does God love all people and is He truly unchanging? What does the Bible say? Hosts:  Alan Caudle and Guyton Montgomery
Apr 10, 2017
  Continuing in our study and the characteristics of God, Part 3 deals with the fact that God is Omnipresent (he is present in all places) and Omnipotent (there is nothing with God that is not possible). Can God be in more than one place at a time...and is there anything too difficult for God to do? What does the Bible say? Hosts:  Alan Caudle and Guyton Montgomery
Apr 3, 2017
Download   In this second lesson in a study of the characteristics of God, we substantiate the infinity of God and the finiteness of man. God is eternal (Deut. 33:27), while man has a beginning and an end. God has always been and always will be...and He is also omniscient, meaning that He has complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, and an understanding of all things. How do we know this? What does the Bible say? Hosts:  Alan Caudle and Guyton Montgomery
Mar 27, 2017
    One of the characteristics of God is that He is "animate." In other words, He is a living God. The children of Israel were described as "the sons of the living God" (Hosea 1:10); Hebrews 3:12 tells us that God is does Jeremiah 10:10 and 23:36. First Timothy 3:15 also states that the church belongs to the "living God." This is in strong contrast to the idols we read about in the Old Testament, and to what we use as idols today. Man needs to realize that only the Almighty God is worthy of our respect, praise, and adoration. Hosts: Alan Caudle and Guyton Montgomery
Mar 20, 2017
    A lot of people in the religious world believe that all one must do to be saved is pray "the sinner's prayer." In other words, if they go to Jesus in prayer, admit that they are sinners and accept Him into their hearts, they will be saved. The problem is: this is found nowhere in the Bible. God has told us what He expects us to do in order to gain salvation...but He never mentioned anything like "the sinner's prayer." So, is this a problem? What does the Bible say about "the sinner's prayer?"
Mar 13, 2017
Download   Many people object to being baptized, giving various reason why it is not required for salvation. Two of those objections are based on claims that "the thief on the cross was saved without being baptized" and "the only thing required for salvation is faith." But what does the Bible say? Hosts:  Alan Caudle and Guyton Montgomery
Mar 6, 2017
Download   Past episodes have discussed the act of baptism, what it is, how it is done, and why it is done. The New Testament (especially in the book of Acts) gives us several examples of people who were baptized and, when all of them are examined, the act itself and what it accomplishes is fully explained...and the reason we should be baptized is made clear. Hosts:  Alan Caudle and Guyton Montgomery
Feb 27, 2017
    Religions that believe in baptism define the act in three ways, either by immersion, sprinkling, or pouring...and they give different reasons as to why a person is to submit to it. The answer should be dependent upon what God has told us. So, what is baptism? Does it matter how and why it is done? What does the Bible say? Hosts:  Alan Caudle and Guyton Montgomery
Feb 20, 2017
    One of the most debated topics in the religious world is the subject of baptism and what role it plays in God's plan of salvation. Some believe it is an essential part of what one must do in order to be being saved. Others do not. But what does God say? After all, it is His Word, addressed to all mankind. Is baptism essential for salvation, according to God? Why should we be baptized? What does the Bible say? Hosts:  Alan Caudle and Guyton Montgomery
Feb 13, 2017
    This is the fourth in a series of lessons on God's Plan of Salvation. What is the definition of "confession," as it applies to spiritual matters? It is the acknowledgement of something we need to show in our lives. When it comes to a person obeying the gospel, it is confessing (freely acknowledging through faith) that Jesus is the Son of God. But it is also important to the daily life of a Christian, because we are to confess our sins.  God  promised the blessing of forgiveness of sins to His children who will confess them (1 John 1:9).    Hosts:  Alan Caudle and Guyton Montgomery
Feb 6, 2017
  This is the third in a series of lessons on God's Plan of Salvation. In Acts 17:30-31, we're told that God "now commandeth all men everywhere to repent: because he hath appointed a day, in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead." That is very serious language, regarding a command from God that many people refuse to obey. What is repentance, what does it consist of, and why it is so important? What does the Bible say? Hosts:  Alan Caudle and Guyton Montgomery
Jan 30, 2017
    This is the second in a series of lessons on God's Plan of Salvation. The topic of this episode is, "Faith." What is faith, and how can we know whether or not we have it? How do we obtain faith...and how can we increase our faith, if we have it? And finally, is faith all we need in order to be saved? Hosts:  Alan Caudle and Guyton Montgomery
Jan 23, 2017
    One of the most important questions anyone could ask would be, "What must I do to be saved?" Depending on who you ask or what church you attend, there would be various answers as to how a person obtains salvation. But we shouldn't depend on the teachings or opinions of different preachers or denominations...we should go to the Bible.  After all, God is the one who offers salvation...and if we get the answer from Him, then we know we will have the truth regarding how a person is saved from his sins, in order to go to heaven when this life is over. Hosts: Alan Caudle and Guyton Montgomery
Jan 16, 2017
    There is only one authority that we should use when it comes to religious matters, and that's is God's authority, or Biblical authority. Yet, the world doesn't except God as it's standard of authority. Man, in most cases, has decided that he will uses his own ideas, customs, and beliefs to base his standard as to what is right and wrong. Be that as it may, God's authority is the final word on how we must conduct our spiritual and everyday lives. Why is Biblical authority so important, and what are some of things that man has decided to use as a substitution? Hosts:  Alan Caudle and Guyton Montgomery
Jan 9, 2017
    I'm sure most of us realize that the world doesn't accept the Bible as its authority, or its standard. A lot of people rely on the traditions or customs of society as to how they live and determine what is right and wrong. They trust their feelings and emotions...others trust their preachers or what their particular church believes and teaches, and they would rather listen to man than God.  But there is only one authority on which we should base our beliefs and how we conduct our spiritual and everyday lives. And that is God's authority. In other word's, what He has told us to do in the Bible. All other ideas that come from man are no good, when it comes to our salvation. Host:  Alan Caudle     Guest:  Guyton Montgomery
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