Our lesson today is about the gospel Paul preached. And I suppose the first question someone might have would be, “What’s the difference between the gospel Paul preached and the gospel that was preached by the other apostles?” What was so special about Paul’s message regarding the gospel of Christ and why is it so important for us today? That’s what we’ll be talking about in today’s episode...and it very well could be the most important lesson you’ve heard in a long time.
Here’s a question for you -- have you repented? Or better yet, have you really repented? Maybe some more questions would be: do you know what repentance is and how to do it? Our purpose in today’s episode will be to show what repentance is, how to repent, and, if you haven’t, to encourage you to do so. Nobody denies that repentance is taught throughout the Bible...but...have you repented?
Where is salvation located and how do we get there? Those are very important questions, because most people have no idea as to the correct answers. What does the Bible say?
Psalm 32:1 says, “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” It’s one of several psalms written by David after his sin with Bathsheba, the visit from Nathan, and his repentance and forgiveness. How does Psalm 32:1 relate to you and me today? Why does sin need to be covered? How is it covered? And what’s the result? We’ll try to answer those questions in today’s episode -- “Blessed Is He Whose Sins Are Covered.”
It seems a lot people have had a misunderstanding of the Lord’s church...the only church mentioned in the New Testament and the only one built by Jesus, according to Jesus himself. If the Lord only built one church, why do so many have such different ideas as to what it is and what it stands for? That's the topic of today's episode.