During the first Lord's Supper, Jesus told His apostles, "This do in remembrance of me." To truly remember Jesus is the most important responsibility of our lives. What does the Bible say regarding this vitally important responsibility?
The Scriptures tell us that the Holy Spirit converts a person from an unsaved condition to a saved one. But, how does He do it? Does He act directly on the heart of that person, causing him to be saved at that instant? Or, does He do it by some other method? What does the Bible say?
Most of the denominational world believes that Christ will come back to reign a thousand years on earth before the end of the word...and they'll quote Revelation 20:1-8 to prove this theory. But, does the Bible really teach that? What does Revelation 20:1-8 mean?
The most important questions anyone could ask are, "What must I to be saved?" and "What must I do to KEEP saved?" In this episode, we'll examine the second question...and go to the Bible for the answers.