Dec 26, 2016
Download One of Jesus' most prominent forms of teaching involved parables...simple, true-to-life stories, designed to present great spiritual lessons. All of them, in one way or another, concerned salvation...and none of the parables could be connected any closer t o the Lord's invitation for us to be saved, than the parable of the Great Supper, found in Luke 14:15-24. Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Joel Wheeler
Dec 19, 2016
The holiday time is upon us and, for some people, social drinking joins the list of things that come along with the season. But why do people drink at any time and pretend that God thinks it is OK? Why would He be pleased with such behavior after telling us throughout His Word to stay away from strong drink? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Ken Burleson
Dec 12, 2016
At the beginning of what is known as the Sermon of the Mount, Jesus taught the multitudes, "Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." What did He mean by that? What does it mean to be poor in spirit...and why is it so important for you and me to understand and apply it to our lives? Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Jared Knoll
Dec 5, 2016
There was a time in David's life when he felt like no one cared for his soul (Psalm 142). That is such a sad thought...that no cares for us. But, even in our darkest hours, we need not feel that way, because, even if we think that our friends and family have turned against us, we can always be assured that God cares. And He, along with Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the angels in heaven, and the Christians on earth, indeed cares for our soul. David knew that God cared...and so should we. Host: Alan Caudle
Nov 28, 2016
If you were to ask someone, "What does a person do to be saved?", you would probably hear one of several answers. Some people might say that they depend on God's grace alone to save them (without them having to do anything on their own). Others might think they were saved simply by believing that Jesus is the Christ... or by just asking Jesus, like the thief on the cross did...or by simply "calling on the name of the Lord." Still others think that they can work their way into heaven. But what does the Bible say? What are some things that we should NOT do in order to be saved? Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Joel Wheeler
Nov 21, 2016
In the book of Titus, chapter 2, and verse 11, we are told, "For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men." Most often the word "grace" is associated with the unmerited favor of God, by which we are saved and delivered from sin. But there is much misunderstanding in the religious world as to how that grace is bestowed. When it comes to our salvation, does God do it all and we do nothing? What does the Bible say?
Nov 14, 2016
We hear the word "Christian" used a lot when it comes to religion. Many people claim to be Christians...regardless of what they believe or how they act. In fact, there's a lot of confusion in today's world as to what the term actually means. So what makes one a Christian? What does the Bible say? After all, if we claim to classify ourselves as Christians, then it must be in accordance to what God says...and not what the world considers it to be. Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Jared Knoll
Nov 7, 2016
In 1 Peter 4:17, the question is asked: "What shall the end be?" This is the most important question for all of us, because upon its answer will depend salvation in heaven or eternal condemnation in hell. The Bible makes it clear that everything in this world will come to an end. It does not tell us when it will happen...only that it definitely will. The end is certainly nearer than it has ever how can we prepare for it, and what does the Bible say about our attitude toward "the end" and where we will be after it comes? Host: Alan Caudle
Oct 31, 2016
When a person's sins are forgiven by God, that person is treated as if those sins had never been committed. In fact, God's says he forgets them, as if they had never existed. But how does remission of sins happen...and what does it really mean? A lot of people will tell us that they have the answers...but the wise thing to do is to read what God says about it. When it comes to "remission of sins," what does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Sidney White
Oct 24, 2016
One of the benefits and blessings enjoyed by Christians is the avenue of prayer. But when it comes to addressing God, we may sometimes ask ourselves if our prayers are adequate...and we may identify with Jesus' disciples when they requested of Him, "Lord, teach us to pray." For what should we pray and how should we do it? Are our requests truly in line with His will? Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Jared Knoll
Oct 17, 2016
In the book of Ephesians, chapter 5, verse 15, the apostle Paul writes, “Look therefore carefully how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise.” That statement is not only for those early Christians, but for you and me as well. And the meaning is clear – wisdom is essential in living the Christian life. But there's a great deal of difference between spiritual wisdom that comes from God, and man's wisdom. In First Corinthians, chapter 2 verse 5, we're told that the Christian's faith “should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.” God knows what is best; and in His infinite wisdom, He has told us what he wants us to do and how He wants us to do it. Therefore, we must always subject ourselves to God's will, if we are going to be blessed by His wisdom and His power. Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Joel Wheeler
Oct 10, 2016
In today's religious world, one of the most debated and discussed topics has been on the act of baptism. Some people believe it is essential to their salvation, while others do not. Some think they are saved before baptism, and therefore it really doesn't matter whether one is baptized or not. But what does the Bible say? Does God require baptism in order for people to be saved? Is it part of His plan for a person to be baptized in order to become a Christian? Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Jeff Stacey
Oct 3, 2016
When we hear or read, "Our Father, which art in heaven...", most people think of what is commonly called, "The Lord's Prayer." But that prayer, found in Matthew 6:9-15, might be better described as the disciples' prayer...or, more accurately, the model prayer. If we want to designate some prayer in the New Testament as the Lord's prayer, it would be more proper to refer to the one uttered by the Lord and recorded in the 17th chapter of John...a prayer worthy of study, because the things included in that prayer should also be remembered as we offer our own prayers unto God. Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Kyle Lemon
Sep 26, 2016
The topic of salvation by faith or works has been discussed for many years. Some people teach that a person is saved by works. Others teach that it is by faith alone. But there are scriptures in God's Word that indicate that both are required...and that there is a faith that will save and one that will not save, while there are works that will save and those that will not save. How is that possible? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Jared Knoll
Sep 19, 2016
There may be no other Bible subject that is more misunderstood than that of the Holy Spirit and His work. Some claim that He operates directly upon the heart of the Christian; some say He endows people with miraculous powers; others claim He doesn't exist at all as a member of the Godhead...but is simply God's divine force or influence. What exactly does the Holy Spirit do today? Does He illuminate the Biblical text so that we can understand it? Does He supernaturally open our hearts to the gospel of Christ? Does He do miracles? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Joel Wheeler
Sep 12, 2016
One of the most mysterious and well-known religious practices in today's word is "speaking in tongues." But when the person doing it is asked what they actually said, the usual answer is "I don't know." In fact, when someone is speaking in tongues, it is never in any language used on earth. So what is it? Are those who say they are doing it today actually doing something that comes from the Holy Spirit? Is the same thing that was recorded in the New Testament? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Bill Davis
Sep 5, 2016
We don't hear the topic of Hell preached or talked about very often, because, apparently, a lot of people just want to pretend that it doesn't exist...and they argue that they don't believe a loving God would send anyone to such a place. But no matter how much people do not want to believe in Hell, the Bible makes it very clear that it does exist...and that we should do everything we can in this life to keep from going there after we die. Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Ken Burleson
Aug 29, 2016
Download There are beautiful descriptions of what heaven is like mentioned throughout the Bible. And it tells us that heaven is a prepared place, for a prepared people. Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you.” Heaven is the place we should all strive for while we live our lives upon the earth. But there are certain preparations a person should make in order to go there. Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Ken Burleson
Aug 22, 2016
Most people would agree that today's society has a drug problem. And the number one drug of choice for many social activities is alcohol. From sporting events to parties and weekend activities, the drinking of alcoholic beverages has spread over the world like a cancer...and the evidence of its harmful effects is overwhelming. Alcohol is a very serious problem in today's world...but what is even more serious is the condition in which the drinker will find himself when he stands before God. Host: Alan Caudle Guest: George McNulty
Aug 15, 2016
Is there a question that God cannot answer? Well, if we turn to Hebrews 2:5, we read this: "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great a salvation?" Once we examine the context of that question, we'll understand that God cannot give an answer...because there IS no answer. But what exactly does that verse mean? Why is that salvation so great? What does the Bible say?
Aug 8, 2016
"And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Acts 2:21). What does that mean? A lot of people believe that it means to pray...and that by praying to the Lord, a person can be saved. The statement shows up in other places in the Bible, such as Acts 22:16 and Genesis 12:8 -- but on those occasions, the people did something else other than just praying. So what does it mean to "call on the name of the Lord?" What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Kyle Lemon
Aug 1, 2016
There many philosophies and concepts concerning the church...but it seems most religious people believe that God has left it up to man as to how we are to worship Him, and how the church should be. But there's a major problem with that line of thinking. Jesus tells us, in John 4:23,24, that "the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth." In other words, we must worship Him according to His Word. Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Bill Davis
Jul 25, 2016
Download Most denominations use instrumental music in their worship services, and even a few congregations who claim to be part of the Lord's church have begun to do so. Is this what God wants? Is it authorized by His Word? Is it pleasing unto Him...or only pleasing to us? These are very serious questions, because everything we do of a religious nature must be done according to His will. Some people will argue that since God did not forbid the practice for Christians, then we can use instruments of music during worship and it's alright with Him. But what does the Bible say? After all, God is the final authority in everything we do, especially during our worship unto Him. Host: Alan Caudle Guest: Sidney White
Jul 18, 2016
What do we mean when we talk about "the gospel"...and how should we understand it as God presents it in the Bible? The New Testament tells us that the gospel was preached by inspired men, and was then written down for people to obey and follow. John 20:31 tells us: "But these things were written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that be believing ye might have life through his name." This written gospel is the good news of salvation. But many people are unwilling to accept the written gospel. And instead of following the things that God has told us to do, they have substituted their own unwritten gospel as their authority in religion. Host: Alan Caudle
Jul 11, 2016
Download What comes to mind when you think of the word, "adoption?" Most people would probably say, "orphans." To have millions of children separated from their parents is sad...but what is even sadder are the millions of people who are spiritual orphans, and have never been adopted into the family of God. To be adopted by God is the greatest thing that can happen to us...and it is offered to everyone. What does it mean to be spiritually adopted? Host: Alan Caudle Guest: George McNulty