The apostle Paul said, “In this life we groan, being burdened.” And how true that is! What does the Bible say as to how we are to handle the burdens of this life?
Everyone hopes for something in this life...but the greatest hope of all is the Christian hope. What is it and how do we obtain it? What does the Bible say?
We hear a lot about how to get to heaven, but if we're not careful, we might end up missing it. What does the Bible say?
Near the end of the Bible, a brief mention is made of Antipas, a faithful child of God and martyr for his unwavering faith and loving to devotion. What did this man do to make his example so important to Christians today? What does the Bible say?
For nearly thirty centuries, the 23rd Psalm has been one of the most most beloved passages in the entire Bible...and its teachings apply to us, just as they did when it was written. What does the Bible say?
Do babies inherit sin? In other words, are they born sinners? Some people say they are...but what does the Bible say?
I believe in baptism, but some people don't...and they have many reasons as to why they feel that way. Is baptism essential for salvation? What does the Bible say?
Arithmetic is not only essential in our everyday lives, but in our spiritual lives, as well...and to a better understanding of the Bible.
There are many lessons in the Bible that relate to the problems of today...but there is one that I think needs to be addressed more and more, as time goes by. It relates to a terrible problem that seems to be steadily growing in our that affects all those involved in it -- both the innocent and the guilty. It is also the topic of today’s GOD’S EVERLASTING WORD podcast, based on a statement found in Genesis 24 -- “Do not sin against the child.”
A most comforting thought is that our Christian loved ones are "asleep in Jesus." But, what exactly does that mean? What does the Bible say?
Through the years, many questions have been asked about things in the Bible, some concerning the church of Christ. Most of the answers people have suggested are wrong (especially those found on the internet), so we need to go to God's Word to find the facts. What does the Bible say?
In John 7:45-53, we find the account of some men who were sent to find Jesus and, when they arrived and heard Him, returned and said, "Never man spake like this man." How DID he speak and why did they say what they did? And, how does this apply to us today?
I’m sure all of us have, at one time or another, wondered how long we have on this earth and when our lives will be over. But there’s a much more important question than that. What will be the conclusion of each one of us AFTER we die and pass from this life? That question is posed in First Peter 4:17, when the apostle Peter asked, “What shall the end be?”
A rich man came to Jesus and ask what he could do to have eternal life. After the Lord told him the answer, the man went away sorrowful. Jesus then told his disciples that it would be easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it would be for a rich man to enter heaven. The disciples then asked, "Who then can be saved?" What does the Bible say?
In 1 Corinthians 6:26, the apostle Paul said, "For ye are bought with a price." Exactly what did he mean by that. Who bought us and what did it cost? What does the Bible say?
Adam and Eve were created and lived in a garden paradise...but they sinned and were driven from the Garden of Eden by God. But, before He did that, God asked them some very pertinent questions, which apply to us today, just as music as they did to the world's first couple, many years ago. What does the Bible say?
What would you say if you heard that 40,000 people were saved outside the ark? Because, if it actually happened, then that would mean there was more than one way to be saved when the flood came.And, if that's true, then there's more than one way to be saved today...but, what does the Bible say?
Today’s lesson is directed to undenominational Christians...those who claim to be members of the Lord’s church, also known as the church of Christ. We know that “Christian” is the correct and only name for us to wear...but a lot of church members don’t act like it, or don’t seem to realize its full significance. All of us wear the name...but some, not very well. A Christian is more than a baptized person, church member, and weekly worshipper. There are a lot of those...but fewer Christians!
There are many reasons why all responsible persons should be Christians. But the fact is, a lot of people are not Christians, because they haven’t been caused to see sufficient reasons why they should be. So, for today’s podcast, we’re going to point out at least “five reasons why you should be a Christian.”
The Christian religion is the religion of hope. But what does that mean? What is the basis of this hope, how do we obtain it, and what are the results?
The use of instrumental music during our worship to God -- most churches use it and some don't, including the church of Christ. Was it used during Old Testament times? Yes indeed. The Bible tells us that David used it. But was it actually commanded or endorsed by God? If it was, then why do the churches of Christ not use it today? If it wasn’t, then why was it used at all? What does the Bible say?
The days of our years are our most valuable possession, but how we do waste them! Someone once said, "If time be of all things the most precious, then wasting time is the greatest prodigality." This is why all of us need to think seriously about, “the days of our years” (Psalm 90:10).
Have you ever prayed to God and felt He didn’t answer your prayer? I’ve always heard it said that God does answer prayers, by saying, “Yes,” “No,” or “Wait awhile.” That may be true, but the fact remains that some prayers are simply not granted. Why is that? We’ll try to find the answer in today’s episode.
The Bible is full of questions, some from God to man and others from man to God...and they’re recorded to teach us some vital lessons regarding what God expects from us, if we’re going to be pleasing unto Him and make it to Heaven after we die. So, for today’s episode, we examine, “Ten Great Bible Questions” and how they relate to us today.
It’s been said that, “Every man is seeking after happiness.” If so, then everyone needs to read the First Psalm. This Old Testament chapter, along with the Beatitudes, will direct your happiness to its highest degree. That’s our topic in today’s episode: finding happiness through the following of God’s Word and an appreciation of the First Psalm.