Where is salvation located and how do we get there? Those are very important questions, because most people have no idea as to the correct answers. What does the Bible say?
Psalm 32:1 says, “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” It’s one of several psalms written by David after his sin with Bathsheba, the visit from Nathan, and his repentance and forgiveness. How does Psalm 32:1 relate to you and me today? Why does sin need to be covered? How is it covered? And what’s the result? We’ll try to answer those questions in today’s episode -- “Blessed Is He Whose Sins Are Covered.”
It seems a lot people have had a misunderstanding of the Lord’s church...the only church mentioned in the New Testament and the only one built by Jesus, according to Jesus himself. If the Lord only built one church, why do so many have such different ideas as to what it is and what it stands for? That's the topic of today's episode.
In Acts 17:6, the religious leaders of that time accused the apostles of turning the world upside down. What did they mean by that...and what is meant today when the Lord's disciples are accused of the same thing? What does the Bible say?
The Bible clearly states that anyone can understand the truth of God's Word. The question is: do you WANT to understand the truth? A lot of people don't...but, what about you?
Many people do not believe in baptism, and may think they have good reasons. But I do believe in baptism and it's importance as it relates to salvation. Just as in everything, belief in baptism must be based on evidence found in God's Word. So, when we're determining whether or not baptism is essential to our salvation, we need to ask, "What does the Bible say?"
The topic of salvation by faith and works is a subject that’s been discussed by the religious world for many years. The Roman Catholic church teaches salvation by works, while Protestant denominationalism continues to preach salvation without works, or salvation by faith alone. Which is it? Faith or works? By which are we saved? That’s the topic of today’s GOD’S EVERLASTING WORD podcast, with special guest, Jared Knoll.
Most things worth having cost something. Our cars and trucks cost something...so do our homes and the furniture that goes in them. But what about our salvation? Does it cost anything? There’s a verse pertaining to this in the Bible, found in Luke 14:28, where it says, “For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?” So, what does it cost to be a Christian? What does the Bible say?
Many of the parables taught by Jesus were given from different perspectives, illustrating the different characteristics of the Christian religion. And the one found in Matthew 20, verses 1-16 is a great example of this. It’s one that farmers throughout the years have been familiar with -- knowing that a man must work where he’s required to work by the land owner, in order to receive the reward. Jesus illustrated the life of a Christian from that standpoint...and it’s the subject of today’s episode: “Working in the Vineyard.”
Do you believe that to be saved, all you need to do is believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God...or do you know someone who does? The Bible says, in Acts 16:30 and 31, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” What does that passage say...and what does it mean? Because, how we understand it can determine whether or not we’ll make it to heaven. For today’s episode, we’ll be discussing the expression, “Believe and Be Saved,” or -- “What does it mean to believe in Christ?”
The name “Christian” is found three times in the Bible -- in Acts 11:26, Acts 26:28, and First Peter 4:16. Today’s lesson is directed to undenominational Christians...those who claim to be members of the Lord’s church, also known as the church of Christ. We know that “Christian” is the correct and only name...but a lot of church members don’t seem to realize the full significance. All of us wear it...but some, not very well. A Christian is more than a baptized person, church member, and weekly worshipper. There are a lot of those...but fewer Christians! In today’s GOD’S EVERLASTING WORD podcast, we’ll consider what the Bible teaches about, “Wearing the Name Christian.”
There’s a wonderful word that occurs ten times in the King James Version of the New Testament, and in each place it’s mentioned, it’s connected to salvation, and what we must do, in order to make it to heaven after we die. But, what does it mean, when we say, “remission of sins?” That’s the topic of today’s GOD’S EVERLASTING WORD PODCAST, with special guest Sidney White, preacher for the Gardner church of Christ, in Martin, Tennessee.
One of the benefits and blessings enjoyed by the Christian is the avenue of prayer...the way in which God’s children talk to their heavenly Father. They pray to God in order to seek fellowship with Him, to thank Him for what He’s done, to praise Him, to seek pardon for themselves and others, and to ask Him for specific needs. And there are passages in the Bible that give examples of all of those things. But, when it comes to asking God for anything, we may have, at times, paused and asked ourselves, “For what should I pray?” That’s the topic of today’s episode, with special guest, Jared Knoll.
The subject of baptism has been discussed and debated for many, many years, with some people teaching that it has nothing to do with our salvation and others considering it a vital part of God’s plan to save us from our sins. And there have been numerous methods used to teach people about it. One of the most unique, and easy-to-understand, ways was presented by a preacher named J.W. McGarvey, back in 1893...it was simple, to-the-point, and addressed baptism in the order in which it is mentioned in the New Testament. McGarvey’s students began to preach it this way and, later on, men such N.B. Hardeman, Gus Nichols, and many, many others would use this method in their sermons. So, for today’s podcast, we invite you to listen to, and learn from, one of the most effective ways to teach someone about baptism...and what part it plays in our salvation.
In Acts chapter 2, when the apostles spoke in other tongues, what were they doing? Did they speak in some unknown language that no one understood? Was it just “gibberish?” Why did they do it...and what is it that people today claim they’re doing and why? Our special guest for today's episode is Bill Davis, a former minister for the Assembly of God denomination...but now a faithful gospel preacher for the Lord's church, in Pensacola, Florida. His topic: "Speaking in Tongues."
There’s a wonderful old song in our hymnals that begins with the following words: “There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole; there is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin-sick soul.” It’s based on a verse from the Bible, found in Jeremiah 8:22, and is as relevant to us today as it was when it was written. It’s also the topic of today’s GOD’S EVERLASTING WORD podcast: “The Balm of Gilead.”
Our lesson is from Joshua, Chapter 1, beginning with the fifth verse -- "There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I swore unto their fathers to give them." Did you notice the words of God, "I will not fail thee nor forsake thee"? If there was ever a subject custom-fit for today’s world, this is it -- "The Never-Failing God."
I think most people are interested in any question that relates to their future life. We’d like to know, if possible, where we go immediately after we die...and we’d like to know whether our friends and loved ones who have crossed over are conscious, and if they are, do they know what we’re doing. Plus, where do the we go immediately after death? Now, some of these questions we can’t answer. There’s nothing revealed in God’s Word that will answer all the questions we have about death and what happens after we die. But God has shared some things with us regarding the afterlife. So, for today’s study, we’re going to examine the Scriptures to see if we can find the answer to the question: “Where are the dead?”
Our lesson today comes from Acts chapter 4, verse 13, where it says, "Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus." There's a great lesson in that for us today. When others saw the apostles, they knew they had been with Jesus...and that's the topic of today's episode.
Many people say they love the Lord and know that He is their Savior...but when they hear what He expects, they walk away, like a young man did, many, many years ago, after He came to Jesus and asked, "What lack I yet?" Maybe we should be asking the same question, if we expect to go to Heaven. What does the Bible say?
I think all of us would agree that, when we were children, it was better to obey our parents. For those in the military, it is certainly better to obey your superiors. It would be better for us all if everyone would obey the traffic laws. And back in Old Testament times, King Saul was told it would have been better had he obeyed the Lord. When it comes to our relationship with God, obedience is always better.
I'm sure you've heard someone say, "Why, that's impossible!" Well, one thing's for sure -- it would be foolish to expect someone to do something that was really impossible. But God's expects us to do only that which is possible. And that's what's we'll be discussing in today's episode -- "Expecting the Impossible."
Few people make the best with what they have. What about you? Are you doing the best with what you have now? Are you using what God has given you to the best of your ability? That's a very important question...and one which we will address in today's episode.
There's a rather profound statement made in Psalm 84:10, which says, "I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, that to dwell in the tents of wickedness." What does that mean and how does it apply to us today? What does the Bible say?
I think everyone would agree that there are good people in all churches, but...will all those people be saved? What does the Bible say?