The subject of baptism has been discussed and debated for many, many years, with some people teaching that it has nothing to do with our salvation and others considering it a vital part of God’s plan to save us from our sins. And there have been numerous methods used to teach people about it. One of the most unique, and easy-to-understand, ways was presented by a preacher named J.W. McGarvey, back in was simple, to-the-point, and addressed baptism in the order in which it is mentioned in the New Testament. McGarvey’s students began to preach it this way and, later on, men such N.B. Hardeman, Gus Nichols, and many, many others would use this method in their sermons. So, for today’s podcast, we invite you to listen to, and learn from, one of the most effective ways to teach someone about baptism...and what part it plays in our salvation.