Now displaying: August, 2018
Aug 27, 2018
Discovering the unknown, pioneering a new field, blazing a new trail...these are the urges that have caused men to move themselves forward and accomplish great things in this world. We can be thankful today for every constructive discovery they’ve ever made. But human eyes and hands have their limitations and they come to a place where, by themselves, they cannot go. There is a vast undiscovered land out there which can only be seen in the light of the Bible. Let's exploring! Host: Alan Caudle
Aug 20, 2018
God wants us to worship Him in spirit and in truth. John 4:23 teaches that “true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.”The denominational world has decided to ignore that command and substitute things that are NOT in spirit and in truth. And that is so sad...but even sadder is the fact that many congregations of the Lord’s church have drifted into the same mindset. We need to restore worship as God would have it. Host: Alan Caudle
Aug 13, 2018
The Lord’s church needs soul winners. They’re needed in the pulpit, in the home, in the office, the store, the shop, and the school room. The church that loves the most and does the greatest amount of good is the soul saving church. The church with the best prospect for future usefulness is the soul saving church. Hundreds of churches have been blotted out of existence for failing in this God-given mission. This is why soul winning is the #1 need of the church today. Host: Alan Caudle
Aug 6, 2018
What is the chief danger to all members of the church? The divine answer is found in the word, “drift.” The danger in drifting away from the pathway of duty and safety should be our chief concern, since few people break away from God and the church on purpose. They drift away. How can you know you are drifting? What does the Bible say? Host: Alan Caudle